Sale of childhood home in Uitikon and purchase of property in Zollikon

Irène Borsari

«A personal recommendation, a good track record and an impressive performance were sufficient reasons for me to commission Walde & Partner with the sales of my childhood home in Uitikon. Soon it became evident why this company has such a good reputation. From the start through to signing the sales contract I experienced a focused and competent team. Their engagement was exhibited in the precision of their work, keeping me informed in detail and having the correct intuition of my needs. With all their know-how they found the perfect buyers for my house and property surrounding.

Only months after this successful sale, a property in Zollikon published in the Walde & Partner weekly newsletter caught my eye. This is how I became acquainted with the other side of the W&P business. Here again I experienced high competence, professionalism and a high standard in service. I felt confident and well consulted. I bought the property for my parents and built their new home. It was clear to me to commission Walde & Partner with the rental task for these exclusive apartments. This too proved to be a good decision because in a very short time they presented potential renters from which I was able to choose the ideal people. The collaboration with Walde & Partner was enjoyable in every aspect.»